"What Our Kids Need from Us Right Now" Free Community Webinar

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Name: "What Our Kids Need from Us Right Now" Free Community Webinar
Date: January 12, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM MST
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
The pandemic has deeply impacted our country in so many ways, but none more concerning than the long-term impact of three semesters of disrupted learning for our children.

Parents and teachers are stressed, and children have missed out on valuable in-person educational experiences critical for their social and intellectual development. Low-income and minority children, and those with disabilities or learning English, have particularly struggled in the absence of in-class instruction.

Join us for this free virtual panel discussion about "What Our Kids Need From Us Right Now."  We will welcome our special guest, Gerardo Muñoz, Colorado's 2020 Teacher of the Year, to the panelists for this discussion, along with local educators, Elaine Huot and Holly Hansburg.

What can we be doing as parents and as a community to help our kids bounce back from the challenges COVID-19 has put on their learning?  As we enter 2021 and begin to experience the hope of vaccine distribution, what steps can we be taking at all levels to prioritize a return to quality learning experiences for all children?

Panelists for this discussion will be:

Gerardo Muñoz is a social studies teacher at the Denver Center for International Studies, Denver Public Schools, was named Colorado's 2020 Teacher of the Year.  He has taught at the DCIS for 14 years. In his 21 years in education, Muñoz been involved in a number of programs and initiatives to promote equity and anti-racism. He has a BA from the University of Colorado and a Master's from the University of Denver.
Elaine Huot D. Child Study, M.Ed. Elaine has enjoyed 3 decades of teaching French Immersion and Special Education in Canada in the US.  She provides private tutoring, academic assessments and works with families as a parent and student advocate. Elaine is the Academic Advisor on the board for BVKID and teaches teachers in the Graduate Studies department at CU.  She received "Educator of the Year" award for the Superior Chamber of Commerce in 2019.
Holly Hansburg is a 2nd grade teacher at Louisville Elementary School with more than 25 years of elementary teaching experience.  She has also taught in the School of Education at the University of Idaho.  Holly has two children in college and a 10th grader at Monarch High School. She is the owner of Rocky Mountain Day Camp, which is a summer day camp for children ages 4-15.

Event Media:
This free community webinar will be held on Zoom.  Please RSVP, and the credentials for the webinar will be sent to you closer to the event.
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Contact Information:
Superior Chamber of Commerce
FREE and OPEN to the community as a community service by the Superior Chamber of Commerce
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