You have an extra day in 2020...
Use it to help others!
The Superior Chamber of Commerce is joining in the national Leap of Kindness Day event – chambers of commerce across the country mobilizing residents and businesses to do good in their communities.
The Superior Chamber will be collecting non-perishable food items to benefit Sister Carmen Ministries and spare change to benefit Coal Creek Meals on Wheels. Empty out those packed cabinets and spare change jars, and join us in addressing food insecurity in the local area!
We will be collecting food items and spare change at the Chamber Office at 112 E. William St., Superior, from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Fill up a car full of donations from your neighbors, your club, your sports team, your workplace, your church, or your friends, and bring it to us on Saturday, February 29. Join us in making LEAP DAY a special day for those in need.
Everyone who makes a donation will receive a special gift from our sponsors.
Thank you to our sponsors: Love, Dani and Open Door Realty. Thank you to the chambers in Boulder, Broomfield, Louisville, Lafayette, and Longmont for joining us in this awesome effort.